Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Light Bearer

We all have heard of the angels who rebelled against God's plan. Some angels go forth to give their own message; these angels lead mankind away from the truth. But all angels are more intelligent and powerful beings than mere humans, it is easy to think the rebellious angels could have been worshipped or mistaken as gods, when they descended to the Earth before the Flood, and deceived humans (Genesis 6). We are in a constant state of War, an ongoing battle within ourselves, conflict of the mind and morals. Society made laws but men are born free of judgment. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, with spirits in high places, "in the heavens" "in the aerial regions.” Satan or the fallen is called "the prince of the Power of the Air" "the prince of the aerial host" (Eph.2:2). Imagine the confederation of rebellious angels seated in the atmospheric heaven in the spaces above and around our planet. Some fundamental scripture contradicts many traditional concepts of "hell" as the domain of the devil and his minions, the popular notion of "Satan ruling the underworld" is not found in the Bible. Satan “Gods most beloved angel” is also known as the light barer, it is a constant contradiction with the allure of the Prince of Darkness. Some theorist speculates that Lucifer was a planet not a rebelled Angel against GOD. And Luciferians are Angels or Beings that descended amongst ancient civilization to influence and to seek power as their own Kings and Rulers and are among us still till this day as the Elite. At the head of this Godless regime was an ancient Deity by the name of Baal or Beelzebub. He is referred to in scriptures as the “The Lord of War” and “Lord of the Sky”. Intelligent beings who live in the atmosphere around and above the Earth are under the authority of the Lord of Flying Things, the Prince of the Power of the Air. Baal is identified as Satan by Jesus himself, (Matt.10:25 Mark. 3:22 Luke11:15.)

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