Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Laws of Power

It’s all about power, grabbing it, keeping it…using it
Power is our currency, our DNA, power is our GOD
We control the world, we provide the blue print and we give the instructions…
We are the people in grainy photos and grassy Knowles
With the shadowed faces, smoky backgrounds in darken boardrooms…
Were right here hiding in plain sight, buying and selling favors…
Black mail, treason, deceit...these are our stocks and trade…
We work the magic of drunken evenings with senators and chiefs of staff…
We shake down demons and negotiate with sorcerers …we have stocks in Hell and compromising photos of Angels
We use any means necessary regardless of the cost because the world is a bad place
And you can either do or get done....
This is Hidden Citizen Club and were not done….

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