Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Truth Behind Angels

Some may call them the guardians of all men perched on the most high. The concept of an ANGEL comes from the Greek word Aggelo from the Hebrew ago meaning "one going forth" or "one leading.” Messengers of GODS will. From the beginning of recorded history ground duelers looked towards the heavens in moments of despair, Sailors guided by the stars. Ancient civilizations in tuned with galaxies without the means or tools of peering past the clouds to see what lays in the great beyond in the endless sky. Accounts in the Bible depict of fiery chariots descending from above;

(Two Kings 2:11) The Bible says a fiery chariot separated Elijah from Elisha, his disciple, while a strong storm-wind snatched Elijah away.
(Psa. 68:17)The book of Psalms mentions chariots of fire in a poetic declaration of God's overwhelming power: "The chariots of God are tens of thousands of times over. The Lord is with them, as at Sinai in holiness."

(Two Kings 6:17) “Elisha calmly prayed for the servant's spiritual eyes to be opened. When they were, he saw the mountain on which the city was built covered with chariots of fire.”

1 comment:

  1. The Truth About Angels by Ellen White. A Behind-the-scenes view of supernatural beings involved in human life. psychic development
