(To get more familiar with J.Bless and his Artwork follow the link below)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tattoo Session with J.Bless/Hidden Citizen Club
On my last trip to the Bronx New York I made it a priority to link up with my man J.Bless, child hood friend turned underground artist turned tattoo artist. After catching up on old times and a downing a few Coronas we set up shop in the basement/apartment transformed into a shop room and began working on a tattoo sleeve that will depict the origin of man kind and the powers that drive our civilizations. Through the eyes of the Hidden Citizen Club founder and CEO, Jay Hollywood. Stay tuned cool world.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Plush Beating Heart
What better way to show them you love them, than giving them your heart...
When it comes to true romance, nothing says "I Love You" like a gift from the heart. Now you can express your feelings of affection with this anatomically correct plush beating heart. Simply shake the heart and it starts beating and pulsating in your hand. It's just like the real thing... but without all that messy blood. Your friends will be oddly fascinated and repulsed by this animated stuffed body organ. Cuddle up with the plush beating heart and it will love you back, just don't let your brain and liver get jealous. Product Features: Anatomically correct plush heart pulsates and makes a beating noise when shaken Requires 3 x AAA batteries (not included) Dimensions - 10" h x 5" w x 3.5" d
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The New Earth
This is the scene - or may be the scene - on what is possibly the most extraordinary world to have been discovered by astronomers: the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.
The discovery was announced today by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes. If forced bookies to slash odds on the existence of alien beings.
The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.
The discovery was announced today by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes. If forced bookies to slash odds on the existence of alien beings.
The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.
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It is the first exoplanet (a planet orbiting a star other than our own Sun) that is anything like our Earth. |
False Idols
Hidden Citizen Club is not a corporation nor will it ever be. Our main goal is to educate those who want to acquire personal freedom from societies grip over our thoughts and beliefs. We pledge to distinguish our brand from all false Idols that prey on our inhibitions. All the Hello Kitties and Mickey Mouse band of thieves will be brought to the fore-front and executed and disbanded from the corporate thrown where executives hide from the millions of faces it cheats every day. The underground stands united, from the slums and the drains of filth we will rise and take a seat by the side of the Walt Disney’s of the world, and we will rule with an Iron fist in one hand and an open palm in the other to give back to those who truly need it. Corporate America has drained the life out of the purity of art and profit. We can’t afford to become men and woman of business and integrity without being taxed on our dreams before we get a chance to develop them. I say no more…
Truth Behind Angels
Some may call them the guardians of all men perched on the most high. The concept of an ANGEL comes from the Greek word Aggelo from the Hebrew ago meaning "one going forth" or "one leading.” Messengers of GODS will. From the beginning of recorded history ground duelers looked towards the heavens in moments of despair, Sailors guided by the stars. Ancient civilizations in tuned with galaxies without the means or tools of peering past the clouds to see what lays in the great beyond in the endless sky. Accounts in the Bible depict of fiery chariots descending from above;
(Two Kings 2:11) The Bible says a fiery chariot separated Elijah from Elisha, his disciple, while a strong storm-wind snatched Elijah away.
(Psa. 68:17)The book of Psalms mentions chariots of fire in a poetic declaration of God's overwhelming power: "The chariots of God are tens of thousands of times over. The Lord is with them, as at Sinai in holiness."
(Two Kings 6:17) “Elisha calmly prayed for the servant's spiritual eyes to be opened. When they were, he saw the mountain on which the city was built covered with chariots of fire.”
Brown Paper Bag City
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(Photo by JGraphics) |
It’s a brown paper bag city! This is our tribute to the hustle. Year and date are hard to remember, my mind eye blurry. All I hear is “Yo Shawty, they got that good ready” next stop bodega. The store clerk hands me a brown paper bag, what’s inside aint none of my business. All I know is the content need to get back to where I’m headed and they need to get there fast. I’m too young to go to jail, and I look like an innocent altar boy in these Sunday church cloths. Deception is the devils trait. Holding the brown bag with sweaty palms I cross the street on green light, Dominican cab driver almost takes my leg off and calls me “mama yemaso”, what that means, I don’t know” but it can’t be good. I set foot on 184th street. Now I’m making my way to second 6 story building, the one with the rusted fire-escape that looks like it hasn’t been used since the Blacks and Ricans took over the Bronx from the Jews and Italians. Ring the buzzer; wait for the door to click open, no answer though. Every second feels like an hour. Looking both ways but trying not to look suspicious. This block is on watch mode.
Finally I hear a voice out of the speaker box, “Who that”. “Tone sent me” I answered with a nervous pitch in my voice. “Come UP” the voice responded. I swing the door open with a knot forming in my stomach. I needed desperately to rid myself of this brown paper bag. I made my way to the second story, my legs sticking to my parasuco jeans. For some reason summers are getting hotter and hotter in the Bronx. I found myself standing in front of apartment 2b, my eyes focused on the Jesus sticker on the green door, right next to the words Fuck Life carved into the wood along the peep hole. I heard dogs barking from the apartments on either side. “What the hell is taking so long” I whispered.
Its three minutes later, and I hear locks being undone from behind the door. A tall Hispanic man opens the door a wine stained tank top and wearing And1 shorts, white tube socks and sandals. He rushes me inside the apartment and looks down the hall before he closes the door behind him. One, two, three locks on the hinges. In a state of confusion I ask the man where he wanted me to place the bag. He signals me to put it on the table. The table was located in a lil hall between the kitchen and the bathroom. He walks into the kitchen and proceeds to wash his hands. “I hope it was worth the wait, I’ve been here expecting you for half an hour”, Knowing I only took about 15 minutes from the corner store to this apartment I knew the man was being confrontational. I apologized for taking too long even though I knew I dint as he proceeded to walk towards the table. He sits down, still gazing at me with a stern face and a slight grin. The flies in the apartment swarmed around a fruit basket the man had placed in the center of his retro dining table. He reaches over from one end to the other end of the table and grabs the brown paper bag. Let’s see what your uncle has for me today. He rips open the brown bag and feasts his eyes on a fresh Italian sub from the store deli. “Now that’s a sandwich” the man claimed and then reached into his back pocket, took out a moist five dollar bill that was taped together at the left corner. “Tell your uncle Tone a lil less mayonnaise next time” the man uttered as he handed me the bill.
As I made my way out of the fly infested apartment and down the building steps, I saw my friend Will walking into his apartment with a brown bag in hand…but Will is a well known hustler, aint no sub in that brown bag. But then again, that’s the mystery behind the brown paper bag, we never know what its contents are till we look inside, and by then it might be too late.
Walking back to my uncle’s corner store where I was working the summer I thought to myself, this is a brown paper bag city!
Finally I hear a voice out of the speaker box, “Who that”. “Tone sent me” I answered with a nervous pitch in my voice. “Come UP” the voice responded. I swing the door open with a knot forming in my stomach. I needed desperately to rid myself of this brown paper bag. I made my way to the second story, my legs sticking to my parasuco jeans. For some reason summers are getting hotter and hotter in the Bronx. I found myself standing in front of apartment 2b, my eyes focused on the Jesus sticker on the green door, right next to the words Fuck Life carved into the wood along the peep hole. I heard dogs barking from the apartments on either side. “What the hell is taking so long” I whispered.
Its three minutes later, and I hear locks being undone from behind the door. A tall Hispanic man opens the door a wine stained tank top and wearing And1 shorts, white tube socks and sandals. He rushes me inside the apartment and looks down the hall before he closes the door behind him. One, two, three locks on the hinges. In a state of confusion I ask the man where he wanted me to place the bag. He signals me to put it on the table. The table was located in a lil hall between the kitchen and the bathroom. He walks into the kitchen and proceeds to wash his hands. “I hope it was worth the wait, I’ve been here expecting you for half an hour”, Knowing I only took about 15 minutes from the corner store to this apartment I knew the man was being confrontational. I apologized for taking too long even though I knew I dint as he proceeded to walk towards the table. He sits down, still gazing at me with a stern face and a slight grin. The flies in the apartment swarmed around a fruit basket the man had placed in the center of his retro dining table. He reaches over from one end to the other end of the table and grabs the brown paper bag. Let’s see what your uncle has for me today. He rips open the brown bag and feasts his eyes on a fresh Italian sub from the store deli. “Now that’s a sandwich” the man claimed and then reached into his back pocket, took out a moist five dollar bill that was taped together at the left corner. “Tell your uncle Tone a lil less mayonnaise next time” the man uttered as he handed me the bill.
As I made my way out of the fly infested apartment and down the building steps, I saw my friend Will walking into his apartment with a brown bag in hand…but Will is a well known hustler, aint no sub in that brown bag. But then again, that’s the mystery behind the brown paper bag, we never know what its contents are till we look inside, and by then it might be too late.
Walking back to my uncle’s corner store where I was working the summer I thought to myself, this is a brown paper bag city!
Letter from Prodigy of MOBB DEEP
The Following Is A Letter from Prodigy Of Mobb Deep, Who Is Currently Incarcerated. In His Letter He Is Discussing His evolution As A Man/Artist, How The Book 'Leviathan 666' Written By Dr. Malachi Z. York, Changed His Life. He Also Discussed Jay-Z's Connections To The Illuminati And The Conspiracy To Set Up Dr. Malachi Z. York By His Son Jacob York. Prodigy Laid Out Some “Astonishing” New Allegations About Mr. Carter. Alleging That Jay-Z Has Chosen To Work For The Amber Light Luminaries Or Illuminati Over The Green Light Illuminaries. He Also Explains How Dr. Malachi Z. York The Master Teacher Was Set Up By The Amber Light Illuminati Using His Son Jacob York. Prodigy's Letter From Prison Is Attached Below.
A.W.A.I.T Fitted Cap
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A.W.A.I.T Fitted Cap |
- Behind the Design
The symbolism behind the A.W.A.I.T design is reflecting of our company pledge and motto, "All We Ask Is Trust" (A-All, W-We, A-Ask, I-Is, T-Trust). The word AWAIT is also revealed when abbreviated.
Await reflects the belief that in the year 2012 our founding fathers and creators will return to our World and light the torch onto a new civilization that will commence a new chapter of existence, purified by fire and reborn from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Secret societies are built on the code of silence, the honor behind the reliance on integrity. Trust is a characteristic found in histories most defining movements. And trust will ease the transition that will lead us into a new future. Fear not what you do not know or recognize and instead embrace it and allow yourself room for change.
Find this item at ( www.Hiddencitizenclub.com ) Join the INVASION…
Hidden Citizen Club - Cult Fashion
Hidden Citizen Club is a company established on the belief that there is more knowledge to acquire of one’s true self trough the comprehension of each master design presented to masses. Everywhere we look there are symbols and hidden messages being related to us without question or probing its lucidity as it is manifested before our eyes. We are taught not to question authority and more times than not we find that ignorance is bliss with phrases such as “what we don’t know won’t hurt us” or “curiosity killed the cat” instilled in us from an early age. It makes us afraid to seek the light behind the darkness. The truth is that knowing is the key to our success, coming to a realization of the potential each one of us holds inside, is the purest freedom. Far too often the purity of art itself is lost in translation and simple minds are corrupted by influences with self governed interest. We are not the shepherd, we are the wolves that come down within the mist from the hills to enlighten the sheep and those who choose not to heed the warning will be devoured by the jaws of these self proclaimed leaders and their hunger to control. There can be no society without anarchy and no victory without war. These city streets are our battlefields and our designs remain close to us as weapons to a soldier.
Hidden Citizen Club, it’s a system of morality and belief, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.
We are those, who with a common interest and an open heart dare to stand for something true. Even if these truths are not accepted in our society, that which was built on a plat-form of deceitful intent to control and manipulate its people with tools such as mainstream media, garbage fashion and false Idols of a hypocrite organization. In a day where heroes are no longer sort after and darkness shadows our streets, morals are compromised by self indulged poisons disguised as pleasures, there will be a faint glimmer of hope in the form of a master design to improve our self image. We will be the leaders when Presidents fall and Kings are no more, when fires descend from the heavens to purify our fallen Nation. They will call to "US" who choose to keep an open mind's eye gazing into a hopeful future with the knowledge that "THEY LIVE". An abstruse deity amongst tribes of cancer, revealed to those who are truly enlightened trough our master design.
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We are proud to be the difference. Unique designs and fresh ideas define our products. Hidden Citizen Club is clothing movement taking inspiration from the streets, religion, government, secret societies, music culture and movies to form one union where average hood cats standing on the unforgiving corners and Star Trek fanatics in the back room of the comic book shops could meet on a common ground. From the luxury suites in the Hilton resorts to the grime filled tubs at the inn on the outskirts of a dusty ghost town. From the high rise condos overlooking the city lights to the rat infested basements in the ghettos of America, we are one people, this is Hidden Citizen Club, and Out of the shadows we climb to bare the light on the murky future. |
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Light Bearer
We all have heard of the angels who rebelled against God's plan. Some angels go forth to give their own message; these angels lead mankind away from the truth. But all angels are more intelligent and powerful beings than mere humans, it is easy to think the rebellious angels could have been worshipped or mistaken as gods, when they descended to the Earth before the Flood, and deceived humans (Genesis 6). We are in a constant state of War, an ongoing battle within ourselves, conflict of the mind and morals. Society made laws but men are born free of judgment. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, with spirits in high places, "in the heavens" "in the aerial regions.” Satan or the fallen is called "the prince of the Power of the Air" "the prince of the aerial host" (Eph.2:2). Imagine the confederation of rebellious angels seated in the atmospheric heaven in the spaces above and around our planet. Some fundamental scripture contradicts many traditional concepts of "hell" as the domain of the devil and his minions, the popular notion of "Satan ruling the underworld" is not found in the Bible. Satan “Gods most beloved angel” is also known as the light barer, it is a constant contradiction with the allure of the Prince of Darkness. Some theorist speculates that Lucifer was a planet not a rebelled Angel against GOD. And Luciferians are Angels or Beings that descended amongst ancient civilization to influence and to seek power as their own Kings and Rulers and are among us still till this day as the Elite. At the head of this Godless regime was an ancient Deity by the name of Baal or Beelzebub. He is referred to in scriptures as the “The Lord of War” and “Lord of the Sky”. Intelligent beings who live in the atmosphere around and above the Earth are under the authority of the Lord of Flying Things, the Prince of the Power of the Air. Baal is identified as Satan by Jesus himself, (Matt.10:25 Mark. 3:22 Luke11:15.)
Golden Eyes Photography
- In her own words ;
"I'm a photographer based in Lakeland,FL. Educated in photography and lighting . I specialize in portrait, glamour and sports photography. I also help in model portfolio development. My photo shoots are fun and energetic, and I only look to produce the best image. If you have some interest in my work and looking to hire me please feel free to contact me via email GoldenEyesPhotography@gmail.com or send me a message."
- Her work for Hidden Citizen Club
Latest Shoot
(Models Jahdiel Santelices and Gisselle Cruz)

The Watchers
These were the first children of God. Giants among men, the word which is translated, "giants", in the King James version of the Bible is in Hebrew, "Nephilim", which means, "Those who fell, or ... the fallen ones". Jude, the brother of Jesus describes them as "angels, having left their first estate in heaven". These fallen angels came to earth for their own purposes, to interfere in the development of human civilization. With hearts of beast filled with envy toward mankind for its new established love between man and God. They manipulate and tempt, breed hate in hearts of men and rape the purity from our souls. Good and Evil, Angels and Demons, Ying and Yang ex. The New Testament uses the Greek word "demon" to refer to these "sons of the mighty", the Old Testament uses revealing descriptive names. Words were used to describe these beings, such as b'nai Elohim meaning "sons of God", Malakh meaning "messengers” and Zophim meaning "the watchers".
And when the sons of men multiplied, in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born on to them. And (The Watchers), Sons of heaven, saw and desired them. And they said amongst themselves, “come let us choose wives from the daughters of men and beget our own children”, as they descended upon Mount Hermon. (1 Enoch 6:1 7:1)
And when the sons of men multiplied, in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born on to them. And (The Watchers), Sons of heaven, saw and desired them. And they said amongst themselves, “come let us choose wives from the daughters of men and beget our own children”, as they descended upon Mount Hermon. (1 Enoch 6:1 7:1)
A painful emotion or passion excited by the expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger; apprehension; anxiety; solicitude; alarm; dread. Fear is a self propelling machine that will inhibit the growth of the human spirit. Fear must be embraced before you can reach a spiritual freedom. Change is always a breeder for apprehension, we fear what we don’t comprehend, but if we take the time to understand and learn our fears, then they can become our attributes of bravery and strength. And the brave will be the light bearers of the next generations to come, as we carry the torches through Hell on earth while illuminating each and every dark presence to reveal the truth behind its intentions. Weather bad or good, we must take in these emotions as one to be complete as an all balanced being.
Laws of Power
It’s all about power, grabbing it, keeping it…using it
Power is our currency, our DNA, power is our GOD
We control the world, we provide the blue print and we give the instructions…
We are the people in grainy photos and grassy Knowles
With the shadowed faces, smoky backgrounds in darken boardrooms…
Were right here hiding in plain sight, buying and selling favors…
Black mail, treason, deceit...these are our stocks and trade…
We work the magic of drunken evenings with senators and chiefs of staff…
We shake down demons and negotiate with sorcerers …we have stocks in Hell and compromising photos of Angels
We use any means necessary regardless of the cost because the world is a bad place
And you can either do or get done....
This is Hidden Citizen Club and were not done….
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